Grey Swan Gaggle

Following on from yesterday’s Grey Swan Top 5 blog, I thought I’d spend a few minutes thinking about the ‘betweens’ aspect of the story. That’s ‘betweens’ as in ‘it’s not so much the things that are important as the relationships between those things’.

Here’s the resulting Perception Map (which, I have to say, became quite a bit easier to create after I’d generalised two of the more specific of yesterday’s definitions):

I’m never sure whether a Perception Map with five components is going to reveal much that we didn’t know already. In this case I surprised myself a bit. Especially regarding the greenwashing-populists vicious cycle. Not so much the idea that Social Media’s unwitting destruction of democracy is the primary driver of the cycle.

COP26 should be fun later this year… don’t believe (any/every)thing you read.